This is a list of my public repositories
- ChaseFlorell/acr-xamarin-forms - Camera/Gallery, Barcode Scanning, User Dialogs, Geo-Location, Network Utils, Device Info, Settings, E-Mail, Phone, SMS all for Xamarin.Forms
- ChaseFlorell/active-directory-xamarin-native-v2 - This is a simple Xamarin Forms app showcasing how to use MSAL.NET to authenticate work or school and Microsoft personal accounts with the Microsoft identity platform, and access the Microsoft Graph with the resulting token.
- ChaseFlorell/AltusTest - Altus Geomatics Code Challenge.
- ChaseFlorell/app-evolve - Xamarin Evolve 2016 Mobile App
- ChaseFlorell/AppCore.Data - A Portable, cross-platform, light weight, opinionated ORM designed to work across multiple Databases
- ChaseFlorell/Cauldron - C# Toolkit
- ChaseFlorell/ChaseFlorell -
- ChaseFlorell/ -
- ChaseFlorell/ - .NET Blogger
- ChaseFlorell/chocolatey - Chocolatey NuGet - Like apt-get, but for windows.
- ChaseFlorell/CircleButtonMenu -
- ChaseFlorell/ColorConverterCrash - Xamarin Forms Issue #10405
- ChaseFlorell/ColoredBadges - Some badges I created for my GitHub profile readme.
- ChaseFlorell/corefx - This repo contains the .NET Core foundational libraries, called CoreFX. It includes classes for collections, file systems, console, XML, async and many others.
- ChaseFlorell/Downsize - A simple helper tool to help you manage the images in your cross-platform applications.
- ChaseFlorell/Essentials - Essential cross platform APIs for your mobile apps.
- ChaseFlorell/EzWIC - test
- ChaseFlorell/fcc-code-management -
- ChaseFlorell/Feedback - Contact me here.
- ChaseFlorell/FizzBuzz - FizzBuzz using Chain of Responsibility.
- ChaseFlorell/FluentDateTime - Allows you to write cleaner DateTime expressions and operation.
- ChaseFlorell/FutureFlag - Simple cross platform feature toggles built for various flavours of .net and Xamarin
- ChaseFlorell/git-lfs - Git extension for versioning large files
- ChaseFlorell/GitTrends - A iOS and Android app to monitor the views and clones of your GitHub repos
- ChaseFlorell/hockey-app - Hockey-App (unofficial) Windows Client
- ChaseFlorell/HockeyApp-for-Windows - Easily upload your Windows, Windows Phone, and Android apps to HockeyApp.
- ChaseFlorell/HttpTracer -
- ChaseFlorell/ImageProcessor - :camera: A cross-platform library for processing of image files written in C#
- ChaseFlorell/in-60-seconds - GitPitch In 60 Seconds - A Very Short Tutorial
- ChaseFlorell/Infinitas.FeedModlr - Open Source Feed Modeler written in C#
- ChaseFlorell/InfiniteLoad - How to do infinite load in Xamarin Forms
- ChaseFlorell/info-window-demo - C# version of
- ChaseFlorell/jeremiahhoman - My Website.
- ChaseFlorell/jetstrap-docs - Jetstrap Documentation and Tutorials
- ChaseFlorell/jQuery.bingMapify - jQuery wrapper for Bing Maps V7
- ChaseFlorell/jQuery.ProfanityFilter - filter out profane words on the client
- ChaseFlorell/List-of-Dirty-Naughty-Obscene-and-Otherwise-Bad-Words -
- ChaseFlorell/MarkdownSharp.PCL - This is a PCL version of the original MarkdownSharp project.
- ChaseFlorell/MethodDecorator - Compile time decorator pattern via IL rewriting
- ChaseFlorell/mini-hacks - Complete four mini-hacks during Evolve and get a prize.
- ChaseFlorell/Mobile.BuildTools - Easily Add Secrets to your .NET Projects
- ChaseFlorell/Mobile.ConfigurationManager - Configuration Management for mobile apps.
- ChaseFlorell/MvvmCross - The Mvvm Platform for Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, WindowsPhone, WindowsStore, WPF and Mac. Includes databinding support for Android XML, for iOS XIBs and for MonoTouch.Dialog.
- ChaseFlorell/PagedCarouselPage -
- ChaseFlorell/PandellRandom - PandellRandom
- ChaseFlorell/posh-svn - SVN prompt/tab expansion for Windows PowerShell
- ChaseFlorell/PoShFuck - PowerShell implementation of "The Fuck" (
- ChaseFlorell/Powershell-Snippets - A holding tank of various powershell commands I use on a semi-regular basis.
- ChaseFlorell/Pressed - a Proof of Concept around tracking touch state in Xamarin Forms
- ChaseFlorell/Prism - Prism is a framework for building loosely coupled, maintainable, and testable XAML applications in WPF, Windows 10 UWP, and Xamarin Forms.
- ChaseFlorell/Prism-Documentation -
- ChaseFlorell/psDoc - Powershell Help Document Generator
- ChaseFlorell/PSStackExchange - PowerShell module to query Stack Exchange API
- ChaseFlorell/ResourceMigrator - Generate platform resources from within a PCL resx file - designed for use with Xamarin
- ChaseFlorell/RestSharp - Simple REST and HTTP API Client for .NET
- ChaseFlorell/SecurePrettifier - Secure Energy Problem - Chain of Responsibility
- ChaseFlorell/smart-app-banner - Lightweight smart app banner with no jquery requirement
- ChaseFlorell/SQLitePCL - Fork from
- ChaseFlorell/Squirrel.OctopusDelivery - Demo on how to do Squirrel.Windows delivery with Octopus Deploy.
- ChaseFlorell/Squirrel.Windows - An installation and update framework for Windows desktop apps
- ChaseFlorell/System.Chase - Utilities I take everywhere I go
- ChaseFlorell/TK.CustomMap - Extended Map Control
- ChaseFlorell/type - 🎉 Minimal and Clean Free Jekyll Theme
- ChaseFlorell/UniqueIdentifierExperiment -
- ChaseFlorell/userdialogs - A cross platform library that allows you to call for standard user dialogs from a shared/portable library, Actionsheets, alerts, confirmations, loading, login, progress, prompt, toast... async just for fun
- ChaseFlorell/ViewFlipper - Flips two Views around X or Y axis
- ChaseFlorell/WorkingWithWebview - working on fix on Android for net:ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME
- ChaseFlorell/xamarin-forms-9326 -
- ChaseFlorell/Xamarin.Forms - Xamarin.Forms official home
- ChaseFlorell/Xamarin.Forms-1 - useful Xamarin Projects that can be applied to a real world application
- ChaseFlorell/Xamarin.Forms-Tests -
- ChaseFlorell/Xamarin.Forms.Not.Handling.Decimal - Bug
- ChaseFlorell/Xamarin.Forums.Examples - Just a simple repository of helpful examples.
- ChaseFlorell/Xamarin.LocalNotifications -
- ChaseFlorell/Xamarin.Plugins - Cross platform Xamarin and Windows controls and plugins
- ChaseFlorell/XF.DrawPolygons.POC - Draw a polygon on a map using TK.CustomMap
- ChaseFlorell/XliffParser - XLIFF (XML Localization Interchange File Format) Parser Library